The meaning n sentence example of despise :
Feel contempt or a deep repugnance for
- - he despised himself for being selfish
1. Arocky ( Arrogant + cocky )
~ Seriously this type of attitude really despise me the most.. Bragging about oneself is really dun't make u better jerks.. It just make you worst... Could you imagine sitting in the same cars with this kind of people n hearing non stop talking about his "awesomeness"... Really make you sick.. (dun't believe me.? try one.. )
2. Stumble ( Stupid + humble )
~ Dun't get me wrong... What i mean is when a person being to0 humble because of their stupidity.. For example :
U r different coz u r genius but i can't..Who am i..i just a little lamb in a flock.. (this sentence really killing me..)
Talent is different thing.. but trying n hardship is another thing... Please realize it... stupid n clever r just man made words....
3. ES (extreme selfishness)
~This ES type.. Really annoy me... They could be so insensitive ... Being insensitive in certain things may hurt ur precious.. so watch out !.... Being selfish for me it's ok.. But ES is so not right.. Let person to wait for you n you go finish ur works first... what the heck... I'm not your guard on duty sir...
I think that is all my post for this time.... have fun in this ramadhan... try to take advantage in this month...
P/s : X da niat pown nak buat sesiapa terasa yer follower...huhuhuhu